Thursday, October 28, 2010

Need some help..

Dont know what to do with this little girl during nap time anymore.

She has decided that most days she is too big for naps. So most days I have to find ways to entertain her during sisters nap. A lot of times we draw, or color. We make up silly games (but seriously how long can the game "unicorns" last?) She is getting good at writing her name, so we work on letters a lot. But I need some ideas! If ever I try and get something done, it ends up being counter productive because she is so busy she wants to be doing something too. Here is what happened when I was folding laundry the other day. I thought she was putting the towels away in some messy manner (but was prepared to deal with that later because she was helping) and this is what I found...

I don't have TV, so cartoons isn't an option. Any fun ideas that we can do for 3 hours during sissy's nap?


The Stewart said...

Jacob doesn't take naps either and was the same way. So what I did was I started a quiet time box. I bought a cute basket and put coloring books, play dough, books, and other quiet activities in it. It has helped a TON! he entertains himself and it has helped so much during sacrament meeting. He knows what he can do to keep himself entertained so he's not running all around the chapel anymore! Good luck!

Jesse said...

You could try making some of these tot books from the above website! Good luck! I don't look forward to that day!

crystal carlson said...

Oh boy, that's a hard one! I'll be checking back for everyone's comments! The pumpkin patch looked like loads of fun! Miss you lots & I've been thinking about you a lot--hope you're starting to feel better :) Love ya!

Camille said...

Oh, I hate when kids decide to stop taking naps...There is some good advice from your other friends. Me and my sisters kinda do the same thing. We tell our older kids that they don't have to sleep, but that they still do have to have their quiet time in their room. My sister's kids have all become early readers, probably because of their two hours of quiet time with a stack of books. I think it's good for kids to just sit quietly for a couple hours every day, even if they aren't sleeping. Sometimes Quincy will fall asleep if I lie down with him, and that's always a good excuse for a nap. You'll need LOTS of those to prepare for your near future! (:

Rhonda said...

No clue what to tell you! I'm so lucky that my girls still nap. Cross my fingers it'll last for a long time. Puzzles, books, craft project maybe???
if you are trying to get work done, find a simple task that she can help with.
Oh & there were a few days a long time ago, that Yazee wouldn't nap. I simply put her in her room & told her that she didn't need to nap but that she needed to have quiet time. She just played quietly until I'd go in and find her asleep on the floor. Honestly, I don't think that she needs to be entertained the whole time, let her figure out how to entertain herself. :)

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

Kenna gets her own quiet time too. For my sanity. Sometimes(lately) I just put the TV on, but I try to have her do some of the things you already suggested. We(I am reading them) have also started to read chapter books together. We started with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. After we read it we rented the movie and had a party with some Wonka treats as a family. It was super fun to compare the book to the movie. We are going to read Charlotte's Web next. She has loved this and I was surprised to see that she really isn't too young for it either. It has stretched her, but hasn't been completely over her head.

Chance and Beth said...

i'm just jealous that emi still take 3 hour naps!! Don't have a tv, or don't have tv? I'd try to snuggle her into a movie, bai usually falls alseep when I try that... Good luck!

Meg said...

I also am amazed that Emi still takes 3 hour naps. My girls tried to stop napping almost a year ago (they were just over two). I fought with them on it for a long time, but finally gave up. They almost never take a nap now.

Good luck keeping Adi busy. I know it slows you down, but if you can let her "help" you do things, she will be learning stuff and loving the time with you. The thing I miss most about naps was the time to get things done. But I've decided it's not a bad thing to always have help. Even at such a young age they really pick up on the things you do and learn a lot just by watching.