Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Turning 4!

This morning Caleb and I were talking to Emi and told her only 15 days till she turns 4!! This is the conversation that ensued....

Me: "Do you know what happens when you turn 4 Emersyn?"

Emi: "no. what?"

Me: "You stop throwing fits! Aren't you so excited?!"


long pause


Emi: "No. I'm not excited."

Caleb: "Why not? I'm excited."

Emi: "Well, I am excited to turn 4. But ... I like throwing fits."

OH! Sweet, sweet Emi......


Camille said...

That is so hilarious! You guys are really in for it! VERY sweet picture, by the way. You are so talented.

KWit said...

hehee I'll give you guys an A for effort with that one! hehee she's so funny!

crystal carlson said...

Haha! That is too funny--what a cutie!

kiddle97 said...

Ha ha ha ha! That was awesome.

Chance and Beth said...

What a smart momma! Hope it worked. I missed my chance to try that with Bai!

abo-bder said...

شركة عزل فوم بالرياض