There has been a lot of craziness lately with all of the holiday madness, but it's all been great! Here is a little of what we've been up to.
Adi woke up early one morning and told me she was going to excersise. She went down stairs, put in my video, and this is what I came down to...

This is a super bad pic because Caleb wasn't around to take one for me, but I took this in the mirror for my friend Crystal who keeps asking for a belly update. Here I was at 22 1/2 weeks I think. Still no name decided on, but we've been thinking about Kadynce lately too.
Funny thing, I went to my 24 week appointment and the Dr. looked at my chart and said "looks like we gained a little holiday weight along with the baby weight!" hahaha. Yeah, between that and the fact that baby is measuring 2 weeks early, I guess I'm a little bit big this time:)
Adi woke up early one morning and told me she was going to excersise. She went down stairs, put in my video, and this is what I came down to...

This is a super bad pic because Caleb wasn't around to take one for me, but I took this in the mirror for my friend Crystal who keeps asking for a belly update. Here I was at 22 1/2 weeks I think. Still no name decided on, but we've been thinking about Kadynce lately too.
Funny thing, I went to my 24 week appointment and the Dr. looked at my chart and said "looks like we gained a little holiday weight along with the baby weight!" hahaha. Yeah, between that and the fact that baby is measuring 2 weeks early, I guess I'm a little bit big this time:)

The girls loved everything about Christmas, especially the story of baby Jesus. Here they are both taking care of their baby's in a manger:)

Cuddling and playing with Daddy enjoying our evening of snow!

Christmas Eve we had a party with my parents and sister, and Grandma gave the grandkids jammies to open. My little honey's loved theirs and haven't really taken them off since...seriously! They look adorable in them too I might add:)

Dad got this shirt from Mom. It was great to see his reaction. My Grandpa (his Dad) used to have a shirt just like it that read "Scrooge Lives" So mom had this made for him... "Scrooge Still Lives"! PERFECT!

Both the girls got new computers. Here they are trying them out on their new little "tangled" table.

Adi loves her own new cooking oven! (an easy bake) We had to make cookies right away! She did great, and was so proud of her creation.

Christmas was really Beautiful. I love this time of year so much. I have everything to be grateful for, and am so blessed. Especially because I have such a wonderful family.
Here is a quick pic of each of my cuties taken Christmas Eve. It's not often that they are dolled up, so I had to capture their cuteness as quick as I could.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and now enjoy celebrating in the New Year!
You are amazing. Those pictures of your girls look like you went through all the trouble of taking them in to a studio, and taking hundreds of pictures to get one good one! What little beauties!
And can you be any more beautiful?! You are just stunning, I tell ya. The cutest pregnant girl ever!
We love the update! I like seeing your belly pics, and the boys loved seeing what the girls got for Christmas! Hope you have a happy new year!
YAY! I finally got my belly shot--I knew you'd be just as adorable as ever! The picture of the girls are absolutely adorable! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas--can't wait to hear what name you decide on for the new baby! Love ya bunches!
We miss you and your girls! They are adorable. It isn't fair that you get to look so cute pregnant! Happy Holidays!
Haha love the exercise pic. She is so funny. I can't believe your dr. said that to you about your weight. Mine knows I would have killed him. You look super cute. I'm glad you had a great Christmas and can I just add that I have been trying to grow my hair out for a LONG time and yours was WAY shorter than mine was and now it is longer than mine is. Grrr. I don't get it.
Adorable pictures! I'm glad you had a good Christmas!
Oh goodness, love these girls! So cute. You look so stinkin cute, too, as always!!
Such a cute picture of Adi jumping in the air.
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