I am all smiles to tell you our latest here...seriously! I really think you guys will love this idea here...
I have been feeling a little like I need to make a better effort as a mom lately. I was talking to Caleb one night telling him how I think I spend too much time worrying about the mess they are creating rather than diving in and joining them in creating a memory. So I set out on a journey to find some sort of idea that might help with my rut and be fun and exciting for all of us. I couldn't find anything I liked, but it just so happened that when I checked my SIL's blog, she had this perfect idea! An Activity Jar! I knew right away this was perfect for us. I told the girls the idea and they were extatic. So we created this jar and filled it full of fun activities that we get to do together every day. Some of the ideas were our own, some we stole from my SIL. In the Jar are things like:
having a tea party
a treasure hunt
going on a rock hunt to start our rock collection
build a princess's castle for the barbies out of blocks
write a play and act it out
make sock puppets and put on a show
color make and fly paper airplanes
and the list goes on!!!
We have had a few activities and it is truly the highlight of all of our day! They take turns every day picking an activity. We never know what it will be, but we inevitably love it. I feel so much love, and such a strong bond as we spend this special Mommy/Daughter time together. The girls just love it. The first day Adi was so overwhelmed she jumped around and got giddy and said over and over "This is the best day ever" or "I am so so happy!" I felt like I was glowing inside, and I realized my calling as a mother to be such a beautiful blessing.

At the end of the activity I gather the girls around me and they sit on my lap and I tell them how much fun I had. And then I ask them if they know why I had so much fun. And then I tell them it's because I love them so much. The girls love this new activity and look forward to it all day long, and so do I.

Don't mind my tripple chin...I claim it was the angle. But we tried to get a picture of the 3 of us in our fort before our movie started. They make me smile.

You know what else makes me smile? I smile every time I walk past my latest wall hanging that I am IN LOVE WITH! It's huge...like 47x27 huge....but I love it. I can't wait to get my Temple done now.

At the end of the activity I gather the girls around me and they sit on my lap and I tell them how much fun I had. And then I ask them if they know why I had so much fun. And then I tell them it's because I love them so much. The girls love this new activity and look forward to it all day long, and so do I.

Don't mind my tripple chin...I claim it was the angle. But we tried to get a picture of the 3 of us in our fort before our movie started. They make me smile.

You know what else makes me smile? I smile every time I walk past my latest wall hanging that I am IN LOVE WITH! It's huge...like 47x27 huge....but I love it. I can't wait to get my Temple done now.

Here is an angle to show you the super cool texture it has on it. You can achieve this texture by using acrylic gel.

This little girl loves to cook and begs to either make something with her easy bake, or something with mommy every day. She makes me smile too.

So these necklaces are so fun. I love to craft when I have a spare Saturday or evening available. I got the idea from a friend of mine who got the idea from here.

Valentines is coming, and I decided to make this rosebud wreath. It's originally suppose to be in the shape of a heart, but I went with round because I have something that is going to hang from the middle. I like them both. But FYI: don't do this project....it is so time consuming!!! But, I am loving it. We'll just see if I even get it up before the 14th! I got the idea from here.
Anyway, that's just a few things we've been up to lately.
Thanks for all of your comments on my last post. I honestly didn't realize how many people feel the same way at times. Aren't we all silly? I know I never go home analyzing others like that...so why do we doubt ourselves? Here's the good news...at least we're not alone!!!
I hope your all having a great week and that something is making you smile!
All your smiles are so pretty!! Your picture is beautiful!! Looks like you are nice and busy!
That is such a good idea! You are a fabulous mom! Love the pictures too!
That is SUCH a good idea! I get caught in the same trap sometimes, of following my kids around, cleaning up after them, rather than joining them. I also find that when I take the time to play with them, I am So much happier! And I usually end up getting the house cleaned up by the end of the day. It's just not clean ALL day, like I'd rather have it! Anyway, thanks for the idea. That's really cute!
Super cute ideas! Thanks for sharing.
Lots of fun projects! I love hearing about your activity every day. It is cute how much your girls and you love it!
I try to do something fun with Jace everyday, but the jar sounds like a big hit--I might have to try it! I've been wanting to do that wreath since last year & I chickened out again (too lazy), so it looks like it's a good thing that I did! I love the name Kadynce--have you thought of a middle name? And, when can we live by eachother again so we can make cute necklaces together?!? Love you & miss you lots!
I've had a similar idea in mind to do for a while now. So glad you did it and that it makes your family so happy. Maybe I'll actually do mine. Miss your family!!
Love it all! You are such an amazing mom! It it no secret how much you adore those little girl. And good luck on that wreath! That looks like quite the project!!
I'm headed to check out those necklaces right now. Love them!
I love that idea for activities! Good job to your SIL. I am also making that wreath. And you're right, it's time consuming! I've put on 24 pieces ha ha.
I'm so glad it's working for you! If you come up with any ideas that you all just love, feel free to pass them to me so I can add them to my jar. We're almost out of our ideas now, so I'm looking for more!
I saw that on Savannah's blog - it is such a cute idea! I used to do that when my oldest ones were little. I need to do it with my younger ones! Seriously, sometimes I think I put more effort into the older ones when they were little, and now it's like the younger ones are just along for the super busy ride as we try to keep up with everyone's activities. This would be a good way to make sure I'm having "quality" one-on-one time with my younger two, instead of just "being home at the same time."
Hey! Love the necklace did you buy one of the kits or did you make it yourself? I made the same wreath and I made mine in a circle too! I think I like the circle best! But you are right they were so time consuming but being prego too it was great for me to do while sitting on the couch not feeling so hot! Love the name of the new baby btw! So cute!
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