Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The "new" carseat

I guess I was feeling sad that we don't live in our own home anymore and I couldn't re-do a room for the nursery, so I decided to take on the carseat:) I thought it would be a fun quick and easy way to cuten up the carseat. It WAS fun, but it WAS NOT quick and easy! Luckily I was able to enlist the help of my SUPER-SEWING-MOM! I think it turned out cute. Now we're just waiting for a cute baby to put in it!
The cute little flowers that we added for some detail.
Isn't it sweet?  I think so!
Thanks for all your help mommy!


Kat said...

K that is darling. I like to think of myself as a good sewer but I could NEVER do that. Nice work.

Tyson and Christi Smith said...

That is really cute! I am impressed. Jessica and I made a car seat tent for my carseat and it was quit interesting to say the least! I then had Tyson's g-ma Smith help me with the handle things and I just laughed when I told her about the story of me and Ashlee trying to sew for girls camp and your mom had to save us! She is great!

Christina said...

LOVE!! I so need to master my sewing skills... your mom is amazing!

KellyAnn said...

So cute. Makes me sort of wish for another newborn so I could have something so cute. Then again, maybe not. I'll just enjoy yours.:)
You are so creative.

tsmortensen said...

It turned out very cute! I listened to mom say how horrible it was for weeks! She is too hard on herself!

crystal carlson said...

She's going to look so cute in her carseat!

Jen and Cody said...

I love, love, love it! So cute. You amaze me how creative you are.

Rhonda said...

I LOVE it! Super cute!

You kinda make me want to throw up with all your craftiness! jk
I'm just uber jealous! I didn't get that Crafty Gene.

Kylene said...

Oh my cuteness! I love this! Do you have a pattern?? (Not that I could make it for the life of me but my mom might be able to help.) ;)

Super cute maternity pic's too. You are gorgeous. I'm so excited for you.

Savannah said...

It's lovely. Your baby will have the most stylish carseat on the block! Me and Sewing don't mix, though I have a friend who offered to "help" me. haha.... I'm still trying to decide if I want to humiliate myself and let her, or just pretend I don't really want to learn how to sew! ;)

I can't wait to hear that Kadynce has come!

Amanda said...

I love it!!! That is darling!